Damian Hill Igniting the Midwest Hip-Hop Renaissance | An Exclusive Interview

Interviewing Damian Hill, a rising star in the hip-hop scene, promises to be an electrifying journey into the heart of Midwest rap revolution. Damian is rewriting the narrative of rap music, infusing it with raw energy and unapologetic truth.


In this exclusive interview, Damian Hill shares insights into his passion for hip-hop, his commitment to driving change, and the transformative power of music in shaping young minds worldwide.


1.Tell us something about yourself?


@Bumpyanloud … @llulpolo …. Young, hungry hip hop artists coming out of the Midwest…. Changing the Way Rap music is viewed across the globe…. a New Revolution.



2.What motivated you to choose this as your career/passion?


Our motivation… Is our environment. Every community is overwhelmed with death and violence



3.What changes did you witnessed in music industry? How do you try to adapt yourself with these changes?


We feel that it’s time for a Change.

Music is the greatest influence on our youth… By far our greatest teacher. We try to teach through our lyrics.



4.Your most favourite or difficult projects your worked upon?


We have an unique collaboration with a producer from Ukraine, A song titled “Salute”….. Tribute to the war in Ukraine.



5.What are you looking forward to learning further or what kind of projects are you interested in working on?


Our intentions are to change the world. To bring the love and consciousness back to hip-hop.



6.Your experience or any learning so far in the music industry, that taught you some major lessons?


It’s truly a journey, the music business is an entirely different animal. Money motivated, and influence based.



7.Tell us about your latest music.


We’re putting the focus back on substance & content. Listening to our music is an experience… a whole vibe!  We’re exactly what the Game’s been missing.




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